JEITA/ECセンター IBIS推進ワーキングでは、「IBIS Summit Japan 2014」を以下にて開催します。


2014年11月20日(木) 13:00 〜17:00 (12:30受付開始)


パシフィコ横浜 会議センター 503会議室
 【会議室が変更となりました。 会議センター 303会議室 ⇒ 会議センター 503会議室】

〒220-0012 横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1


(参考:11月19日(水)〜21日(金)にET展(Embedded Technology 2014)がパシフィコ横浜にて開催されています。)



1. Activities and Direction of IBIS

Abstract: An update of technical documents and administrative directions
Presenter: Lance WANG (IO Methodology, USA)

2. Introduction of IBIS Promotion Working Group

Abstract: TBD
Presenter: Shogo FUJIMORI (Fujitsu Advanced Technologies, Japan)

3. Inconsistency of EBD (Electrical Board Description) Specification in DDR3 DIMM

Abstract: TBD
Presenter: Shogo FUJIMORI (Fujitsu Advanced Technologies, Japan)

4. IBIS Package Model (Past, Present, What’s Next)

Abstract: Consideration of transmission lines for within-package connections is necessary. The time has come for the IBIS package model to require evolution.
Presenter: Shinichi MAEDA (KEI Systems, Japan)

5. Differential Buffer Using IBIS Models for PDN Simulations

Abstract: An “Average-Out” approach is introduced for differential buffer PDN Simulation
Presenter: Lance WANG (IO Methodology, USA)

6. True Differential IBIS Model for SerDes Analog Buffer

Abstract: TBD
Presenter: Morihiro Nakazato (Cadence Design Systems, Japan)

7. IBIS AMI Validation

Abstract: Tests validating IBIS-AMI Simulations
Presenter: Zilwan MAHMOD and Anders EKHOLM (Ericsson, Sweden)

8. IBIS Model Engineering Application Possibility

Abstract: IBIS model has a lot of useful information & data in itself. Introduce the way to turn several ideas of those possibilities into a commercial reality.
Presenter: Kazuhiko KUSUNOKI (Wadow, Japan)

9. Introduction of P2401 LSI-Package-Board Standard Format

Abstract: In order to finish the design quickly for competitive products, it’s required to exchange LSI, Package and Board design information among those players. JEITA has set the file and its format for the exchange of information for this purpose
Presenter: Yoshinori FUKUBA (Toshiba Semiconductor & Storage, Japan)






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